September 26, 2014

Body Weight Exercises

Body weight exercise is an excellent and versatile way to build strength, flexibility, muscle mass, agility, and balance. People used to ask me for body weight routines (aka calisthenics) ALL THE TIME, and for good reason! You can do it anywhere, anytime, and as much or as little as you want. Check out this awesome list of body weight exercises.The list covers all levels, from beginner to advanced.  If you’re unsure how a movement is supposed to look, simply google the name of the exercise and find a quick video.

If you’re not currently doing any form of strength training, consider these benefits that strength training provides you:

  1. Increased bone density
  2. Maintain or increased lean muscle mass which aids in metabolism
  3. Improved mood
  4. Improved agility, flexibility, balance and functional strength, so you can have fun doing recreational and every day activities
  5. Reduced risk of injury
  6. Reduced arthritis pain
  7. Adds challenge and interest to your exercise routine
  8. You feel powerful and amazing!

Body weight exercises are perfect for doing on vacation or when the weather isn’t nice. You can choose just a small handful of exercises and make a little routine out of them, for some efficient strength training.

Wondering how to put these exercises together? One way is to pick 3 exercises and do them all in a row (called a Tri-set). Pick one upper body, one lower body and one core or total body exercise. Do each exercise consecutively for reps or for time (30-60 seconds). Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat tri-set 2-4 more times. Pick another group of 3 exercises and repeat 3-4 times again, if you have time for a full workout. Otherwise, have a mini workout and just choose one tri-set to repeat.

For a short, high intensity, and super effective workout, check out how to do a Tabata style workout HERE!

Another great, free resource, for exercise videos is HERE.


One Comment

  1. […] more more body weighted exercises like these, that you can do anywhere, anytime? Find them here, and learn how to put together an effective exercise […]

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